Nadja Lipphardt

Ora Krupik

Ora Krupik is an Israeli author of books for children and young people. A redesign was developed for her website. A special challenge was the flow from right to left due to the Hebrew reading direction.

Roles: Prototyping, User Interface, HTML/CSS (tbd)

English and Hebrew - design from two perspectives.

Startseite von Ora Krupik auf Englisch.
Startseite von Ora Krupik auf Hebräisch.

The choice of fonts

With choosing the fonts, it had to be taken into consideration that they could be used with both Latin and Hebrew letters. This is especially important for possible future translations of the website, for example when publishing books in other languages might happen, which will result in international interest in the author. The font Alef was chosen for headlines and the font Heebo for the continuous text.

Schreibbeispiele der Fonts Alef und Heebo, welche lateinische und hebräische Buchstaben zur Verfügung stellen.

Who is Ora Krupik?

Ora Krupik

Ora Krupik is an Israeli author who has written and published more than 10 books for children and young people. One of her most recent publications, "לא כמו כולם" (Engl. "Not like everyone else") won first prize in the fourth-grader category of the "Book Parade for Children and Youth", an initiative of the Israeli Ministry of Education in 2020. This initiative aims to encourage children to read more.

Website Prototyp in Figma

View not working properly? The interactive prototype in Figma is also available here.